Saturday 14 January 2017

World needs to tell India enough is enough on Kashmir: PM Nawaz

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday said the world needs to tell India "enough is enough" with regard to its policy towards the freedom movement in held Kashmir.
The premier was addressing an International Parliamentary Seminar on Kashmir held in Islamabad to discuss the prevailing situation in India-held Kashmir.
"Seventy years of brutal repression and Kashmiri struggle in the face of that oppression have shown cries of freedom cannot be stifled by sounds of bullets," the PM added, calling for an end to the "continued suffering" of generations in IHK.
Referring to Burhan Wani as a "vibrant and charismatic leader", the premier said that his "martyrdom has become a rallying point for the freedom loving people of the territory".
The oppressors' efforts "to silent that one voice have unleashed a thousand more", he said at the conference organised by the Young Parliamentarians Forum of the National Assembly.
He said that a promise was made to Kashmir 70 years ago, not only by Pakistan and the United Nations, but also by India to recognise the people's right to self-determination.
PM Nawaz spoke about the efforts made to highlight the plight of the Kashmiri people at international fora and told the conference that Pakistan would continue to support the struggle of the people in the region.

(Reference from )

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