Monday 16 January 2017

The special policing powers granted to Pakistan Rangers, Sindh, by the provincial government under Anti-Terrorism Act of 1997 to carry out raids and arrest suspects ended on Monday.

The government had extended the Rangers' policing powers on October 18, 2016, for 90 days thus entitling them to carry out raids, snap checking and arresting the people in the provincial capital only.
Sindh government, however, had not issued any official statement in connection with extension of the powers by the end of the day.
Earlier in the evening, following a cabinet meeting, Adviser to Sindh Chief Minister on Information Moula Bux Chandio told reporters that no discussion was done in the meeting regarding the extension in powers of Rangers in Karachi.
"We had many issues on our agenda in the cabinet meeting but due to the burning issue of census, all others were deferred," he said.
PPP-led Sindh government has repeatedly announced that the extension of Rangers powers was subject to the approval from the provincial cabinet.
Sources in Sindh Home Department told Dawn that policing powers of the paramilitary force ended on Sunday.
The official sources revealed that a summary to this effect for granting extension of powers to the paramilitary force was moved to the Sindh chief minister nearly a month ago but he has not approved the summery as yet.
The sources told Dawn that the provincial government had “some reservations” over the Rangers’s recent action particularly raids on offices of a businessman in limits of Kharadar and Saddar police station.
The paramilitary force had also detained some persons from there, who were released later on.
The Rangers official had also lodged FIR against the businessman who was widely believed to be very close to the former president of Pakistan under Anti-Terrorism Act.
Sources added that the provincial government wanted to get “some assurances” from the Rangers to avoid such actions in future.
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Saturday 14 January 2017

Takata fined $1bn in US over exploding airbag scandal

Japanese car parts maker Takata has agreed to pay $1bn (£820m) in penalties in the US for concealing dangerous defects in its exploding airbags.
The firm also pleaded guilty to a single criminal charge, the company and the US Justice Department said.
Takata will pay a $25m fine, $125m to people injured by the airbags and $850m to carmakers that used them.
The faulty airbags have been linked to at least a dozen deaths and more than 100 injuries worldwide.
Most major carmakers have been affected by the fault, with about 100 million Takata airbags recalled globally.

'Falsified test data'

The company's chief executive, Shigehisa Takada, said: "Takata deeply regrets the circumstances that have led to this situation and remains fully committed to being part of the solution."
Takata has previously acknowledged some of its airbag inflators expanded with too much force and sprayed metal shrapnel into cars.
"For more than a decade, Takata repeatedly and systematically falsified critical test data related to the safety of its products, putting profits and production schedules ahead of safety," said Andrew Weissmann, head of the Justice Department's fraud section.
"I offer my deepest sympathies to the families and friends of those who died and to those who were injured as a result of the Takata Corporation's failure to fulfil its obligation to ensure the safety of its airbag systems," said Calvin L Scovel, inspector general of the US Department of Transportation.

Three former Takata executives were also charged by the US authorities on Friday for their part in the scandal.
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John Lewis: Trump slammed for attack on rights icon

Politicians, entertainers and others have come to the defence of a US civil rights campaigner, Congressman John Lewis, who has become embroiled in a row with President-elect Donald Trump.
Mr Trump tweeted that Mr Lewis was "all talk" and should focus on his constituents, after he said Mr Trump was not a legitimate president.
But Mr Lewis' supporters reacted with anger, saying he was a hero and icon.
Mr Lewis was a leading figure in the 1960s civil rights movement.
He is the last surviving speaker from the 1963 March on Washington, led by Martin Luther King.
The row came as civil rights activists led by Rev Al Sharpton began a week of protests ahead of Mr Trump's inauguration on 20 January.
Several thousand protesters braved near-freezing temperatures to march to the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial in Washington DC, chanting "No justice, no peace".
In a separate development on Saturday, African American Broadway star Jennifer Holliday pulled out of performing at the inauguration after pressure from followers, many of them from the LGBT community.
Holliday, who has sung for both Republican and Democrat presidents, apologised for her "lapse of judgement" and said she did not realise her participation would be seen as expressing support for Mr Trump.
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US President-elect Donald Trump says he is willing to work with Russia and China, providing they cooperate.

Mr Trump told the Wall Street Journal that newly-imposed sanctions on Russia would remain "at least for a period of time" but could then be lifted.
He also said the One China policy, in which the US does not recognise Taiwan, was up for negotiation.
Meanwhile, a US Senate committee announced it would investigate claims Russia meddled in the election.
In his interview, Mr Trump said sanctions on Russia could be lifted if Moscow helped Washington in the war against Islamic extremism and in other matters.
"If you get along and if Russia is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebody's doing some really great things?"
He said he hoped a meeting with President Vladimir Putin would be arranged.
With regards to Beijing, Mr Trump said China had to allow US companies to compete by floating its currency.
But he said he would not label China a currency manipulator the instant he took office.
He had already questioned the One China policy last month, provoking angry responses in Chinese state media.
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World needs to tell India enough is enough on Kashmir: PM Nawaz

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday said the world needs to tell India "enough is enough" with regard to its policy towards the freedom movement in held Kashmir.
The premier was addressing an International Parliamentary Seminar on Kashmir held in Islamabad to discuss the prevailing situation in India-held Kashmir.
"Seventy years of brutal repression and Kashmiri struggle in the face of that oppression have shown cries of freedom cannot be stifled by sounds of bullets," the PM added, calling for an end to the "continued suffering" of generations in IHK.
Referring to Burhan Wani as a "vibrant and charismatic leader", the premier said that his "martyrdom has become a rallying point for the freedom loving people of the territory".
The oppressors' efforts "to silent that one voice have unleashed a thousand more", he said at the conference organised by the Young Parliamentarians Forum of the National Assembly.
He said that a promise was made to Kashmir 70 years ago, not only by Pakistan and the United Nations, but also by India to recognise the people's right to self-determination.
PM Nawaz spoke about the efforts made to highlight the plight of the Kashmiri people at international fora and told the conference that Pakistan would continue to support the struggle of the people in the region.

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Monday 9 January 2017

PM Nawaz announces Rs500m 'Zarb-i-Qalam' endowment fund to counter extremism

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday announced a Rs500 million 'Zarb-i-Qalam' endowment fund for the National History and Literary Heritage Division to help counter extremism and root out terrorism.
The premier, while addressing a literary conference in Islamabad, expressed hope that the four-day moot would confront challenges currently facing Pakistan, especially terrorism and propose solutions to tackle the menace.
"In a society where flowers of poetry and literature bloom, the diseases of extremism, intolerance, disunity and sectarianism are not born," Nawaz said. "When literary works dry up, then society becomes embroiled in various differences."
"Thousands of people and innocent children have been lost to such ills. The current government has stared this disease down, and its political will was enforced by the armed forces. We want to cleanse this country of terrorism and make it a place of peace, love and calm," he said.
He said that although Operation Zarb-i-Azb is ongoing, there is also a need for Operation 'Zarb-i-Qalam' to root out terrorism and promote harmony.
"We are forgetting how to speak of mutual love, integrity, compassion and empathy," Nawaz cautioned.
"Through certain media, these things are becoming common and influencing a new generation of Pakistanis. This state of events demands your attention, because such attitudes turn into extremism."
Literary institutions have a pivotal role to play in tackling these challenges, he said, and the government is trying to revive such institutions.
Writers, poets and intellectuals have to play a leading role in elimination of terrorism and promotion of peace, the premier said.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said his government had created a full-fledged National History and Literary Heritage Division under the leadership of the Irfan Siddiqui who has been tasked with the revival of literary and cultural organisations.
The premier announced the institution of the Rs500m endowment fund for the promotion of art and literary activities. The fund should be used as per the requirements of different institutions concerned besides the resolution of writers' problems, he said, according to Radio Pakistan.
In March 2016, a day after a suicide bomber killed 72 people in Lahore's Gulshan-i-Iqbal park, the PM told a high-level security huddle that Pakistan's goal is not only to eliminate terror infrastructure, but also to get rid of a mindset of extremism which is pervasive in the country.
The PML-N government has tried to get religious scholars, leaders and clerics on board with counter-terrorism measures. PM Nawaz, while addressinga Seeratun Nabi conference in December last year, urged religious scholars to play their role for the elimination of the root causes of extremism in society.
In an interview with DawnNews in December 2016, National Counter-Terrorism Authority's (Nacta) chief Ihsan Ghani said the government has been working on 12 policies in connection with curbing terrorism and extremism over the last year and a half.
Among these is a National Counter-Extremism policy, which is to be ready by this month, and a national narrative, he said.
"I won't say that it [a national narrative] will take decades to bear fruit, but it will take time," he had said, adding that Nacta would take input from various segments of society in this regard.

Scholarships for writers, awards

PM Nawaz said a scholarship for writers and poets will be enhanced substantially, benefitting about 1,000 writers and poets.
Awards for Urdu and regional languages have been increased from 11 to 20 and a literary award under the name of Intizar Hussain will be instituted alongside prize money of Rs1m.
The insurance scheme will now cover 700 writers and artists instead of 354 at the present time, and the premium will be paid by the government, he said.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif asked Irfan Siddiqui to constitute a committee to recommend welfare measures for arts of different disciplines. The Committee should submit its report within a month, he directed.
He said Memorandums of Understanding have also been signed with several countries for cooperation in literature and culture

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Pakistan releases dozens of Indian fishermen

Pakistan on Thursday freed 218 Indian fishermen who had strayed into its waters, an official said, calling it a “goodwill gesture” ten days after a similar number were also released.
The fishermen, some of whom had been in jail for more than a year, will be handed over to Indian authorities at the Wagah border, Sindh provincial official Mohammad Naseem Siddiqui told AFP.
A further 100 fishermen remain in prison, waiting for the Indian High Commission to confirm their nationality as they serve sentences of at least six months each, he said.
Dozens of Indian and Pakistani fishermen are captured in the Arabian Sea each year after straying across maritime borders.
They often languish in prison even after serving their sentences, as poor diplomatic relations between the bitter nuclear foes hamper bureaucracy.
Relations between India and Pakistan have plummeted since a deadly attack on an Indian army base in the disputed region of Kashmir in September, that New Delhi blamed on Pakistan-based Islamist group Jaish-e-Mohammed.
There have since been repeated outbreaks of cross-border firing, with both sides reporting deaths and injuries.
Kashmir has been divided between India and Pakistan since the end of British colonial rule in 1947. Both claim the Himalayan territory in full and have fought two wars over the mountainous region.

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Bollywood celebs call out misogyny in India after Bangalore mass molestation

Thousands of molesters attacked women revellers in Bangalore on January 1; however, some Indian political leaders chose to criticise the victims instead of the attackers.
Karnataka’s Home Minister G Parameshwara suggested the women's attire caused the attack in an interview, “They try to copy westerners not only in mindset, but even the dressing, so some disturbance, some girls are harassed, these kind of things do happen."
Similarly, Samajwadi Party leader, Abu Azmi said: "In these modern times, the more skin women show, the more they are considered fashionable. If my sister or daughter stays out beyond sunset celebrating December 31 with a man who isn't their husband or brother, that's not right."
Bollywood celebs, however, are countering statements like Abu Azmi's with contempt for their misogynist beliefs.

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Pakistani-American Mustafa Ali wrestles Israel's Dar to defeat

Mustafa Ali, an American wrestler of Pakistani origin, has returned to his hometown of Chicago emerging victorious "in a highly competitive match", World Wrestling Entertainment reported.
Israeli-Scottish wrestler Noam Dar and Ali put on a show of speed and agility on WWE 205 Live Wednesday, with Ali executing an Inverted 450 Splash for the win.
“The Scottish Supernova”, as Dar is also known, had gained an advantage in the contest when he targeted Ali’s arm.
However, Ali was resilient and battled through the pain, stopping Dar’s momentum with his speed.

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